Magazine Clients

Trapper's Post

Print: magazine published six times a year

Sportsman's Alliance of Maine

Print: newsletter/magazine published four times a year

Camps and Schools

Camp Arcadia

Print: alumnae newsletter, scholarship fund appeals

Holderness School

Print: student handbook, literary magazine

Editing: alumni magazine class notes

New England Preparatory School Athletic Council

Print: quarterly newsletter, annual handbook, annual meeting program, buyers guide

The Rivers School

Proofreading: magazine articles and newsletters

YMCA Camp Huckins

Print: annual report, alumnae newsletter


Maine Ski and Snowboard Museum

Print: posters, Hall of Fame programs

McLaughlin Garden and Homestead

Print: newsletter, sponsorship materials

Oxford Hills Music and Performing Arts Association

Print: posters, postcards, tickets, programs

Online: Website, Facebook page

Oxford Hills School/Community Broadway Show

Print: posters, programs, banners


Howell Laboratories

Print: promotional materials, business cards

Schooner Fare and Outer Green Records

Print: CD and cassette layouts, product catalog, order forms

Online: Website, Facebook page

Smokin’ Dave’s Backyard BBQ and Grill

Print: menu

Rowe Family Camps

Print: rack card, annual calendar card

Online: Website, Facebook page